We are so thankful for our church family and for some very special people within our church. Every day we thank God for so many loved ones at home that sacrificially give their time and resources to help support the ministry here in Peru. Daily, our hearts are filled with joy as we receive emails full of love and encouragement, special prayers, and hearing how many are using their God given talents and gifts to help support missionaries overseas.
We would like to take this time to recognize and send our love and thanks to three sweet Godly ladies, Jean Roseman, Linda Anderson, and Betty Guthrie. These ladies work for hours every week on making beautiful button bracelets, beaded hair accessories, hand-made pillows, and hand-sewn pillow dresses to display at Legaci Salon, located in Statesville, NC, to help share the ministry here in Peru. All items are available as a donation only, and all funds go towards helping our family purchase needed items and ministry supplies to help us share the LOVE of JESUS CHRIST to adults, children, and orphans here in Cajamarca, Peru. We are so grateful for these ladies and for all the hard work they have put into making each hand-crafted piece. The hearts they have for missions, displayed through their hard work, is such a blessing to our family.
Jean Roseman, Betty Guthrie, Linda Anderson |
Beautiful Bracelets made from very special vintage buttons! |
Each piece displayed at Legaci Salon located at 921 Davie Avenue, Statesville, North Carolina! |
Colorful Patterns and College Themed Pillows, Hand-crafted Hair Accessories, and Beautiful Pillow Case Dresses |
We are also very thankful for all the hard work in packaging these items and work put in to help share the ministry, as Lou Ann Dyson and Cheryl Dellinger, have given many hours each week to help these ladies with their beautiful pieces that have been specially made. THANK YOU so much for all the love and hard work...we really APPRECIATE all that you are doing to help support our family. What a blessing you are to us! ALSO, thank you for all the support given by the community through the financial donations given for each item and for the prayers sent our way encouraging us to continue to be obedient to Christ in sharing His love.
Lou Ann Dyson (best mom in the world) and Cheryl Dellinger (one of my favorite sisters)! |
We are reminded by the words of Paul regarding spiritual gifts..."but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift" and that Christ "makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." - Ephesians 4:7,16
May God Bless You All!
With Love-
The Heath's
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