As we were walking to church on Sunday, an unexpected surprise ran across the road and laid down on my foot. She was the sweetest little baby puppy...and the kids went crazy. We looked around and asked some of the locals walking by and we could not find out if she had a home. The kids just held her in their arms. One of our good friends who was walking with us told us that a lot of the female dogs get thrown in the river or tossed out of cars. Here in Peru, there are dogs EVERYWHERE and the females are not desirable because they will likely become pregnant (over and over again).
Well, I could not imagine leaving the kids held her in their arms and Sean helped them take her home to get her some food and milk. As they were walking home, the kids saw more puppies on the side of the road (appearing to have no home) all bundled up on each other. To see so many dogs homeless, wounded, and lonely just breaks your heart. (I know...we cannot save them all:)
We immediately called her "Grace" and we spent the day nursing her back to health and taking turns rocking her to sleep. During the night, the scene was not quiet as beautiful...she cried all night long. Sean and I were worried she was too young to be away from her Mama. We tried our best to get her to sleep and found that the only thing that worked was to hold her in our arms. Sean took the night shift...and for some reason the next morning, I begged Sean to go see if she had a sister. I just knew she would be lonely and I did not want her sister to die if she had one due to total abandonment. River and Sean took off to seek out the litter that they saw after finding Grace. After asking around some more, we found out that the litter did indeed belong to someone, and there were six more puppies (some looking just like Grace). The very nice gentleman gave us one of her sisters. We could not really understand how old they were but he seemed happy to find new owners.
Meet "Faith"(pictured below) unlike little Grace who cries and wants all the attention. Faith sleeps all the time and is the most peaceful dog we have ever seen. No worries or signs of stress from her...appearing to have total faith in everything.
The kids are madly in love and they are so proud to have their new guard dogs!
Meet Grace |
The kids will not put them down! |
Here's Faith! |
Sweet Girl! |
Sisterly Love...Nap-Time! |
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