I wanted to send this post separate from the power outage. Something very special happened on Sunday at church after the morning worship service. As I turned to walk out...I spotted him...NORMAN (otherwise known as LIMBO because he was so flexible every-time he played this game at Bible School). I know many of you may not know who this little boy is, but he really CHANGED my life. I hope the NC Team Members who came with me this past year will have a chance to read this. Our team helped with a Vacation Bible School this time last year. Once Bible School was over and we saw the children for the last time, I dreamed that night that I was telling Norman who Jesus was and I was using the EvangeCube. (Side note...prior to leaving the States with my luggage bags ready to go, my son, Lake, asked me to also pack the EvangeCube and share it with a little boy in Peru). To be quiet honest, we were so busy with Bible School all week that I did not even think to show Norman or any other children this specific cube which demonstrates how you can know Christ as your Lord and Savior and how He loved us all so much that He paid the price for all of us by giving up His very life on the CROSS.
I remember telling the team members that I could not leave Peru without finding out where he lives and being obedient to what I felt God was asking me to do. That morning our team went around the room and prayed for him (one by one). I remember praying to God at night and even telling Him that I would stay here till I found him even if it meant more time away from my own children back in the States. I asked Carlos, a missionary at Villa Milagro, to help me find him and after several days of walking from home to home...we finally found where Norman lived. A little boy named David took us to his home and his mother answered and asked us to come back tomorrow because Norman was in school. The next day, Carlos and I shared with Norman who Jesus was and that day Norman made a decision to accept Christ as His Savior and to follow Him. I will never forget that day for the rest of my life. Norman's sister was also sitting with us on the couch in their home and she also made a decision to trust and believe in Jesus Christ. What an answered prayer!
Before I left Norman's home, I told Norman that he was very special and that he needed to be a strong Godly leader among his friends and family. I asked Norman to share with his friends who Jesus was and with the help of Carlos translating, we walked through how to use the EvangeCube. I left him this cube and told him that one day I would be back and that I hoped he would attend Monte Sion Church. I also told him that I wanted to bring my son, Lake, to meet him since Lake had encouraged me to take this cube with me.
So when I turned around this Sunday, and our eyes met, tears flowed from my eyes. We hugged and he pointed to his sister, and his mom...and even his dad was there. As Norman and I walked out, Lake was returning from the children's service and once he reached us...I finally had an opportunity to introduce them. Thank you Lord for this blessing and for bringing Norman back into my life...Lord I pray that our family will be obedient to you always and that you would use our life to bring glory to you!
"I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance." - Luke 15:7
January 2011 Vacation Bible School at Monte Sion Church |
January 2011 - Finally found Norman...and his sister! |
January 2011 - Norman and his family (Carlos is on the far right)! |
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