Pictured on the right is a lady in the community who said, “All the years I have lived nearby and in this village without pure water but now I can enjoy sweet water but best of all the young women will not have to suffer for lack of water as I did and our babies will not suffer from stomach problems.”
"But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
~John 4:14
The construction of water wells in poor rural villages, communities and schools has been and is a major part of our humanitarian ministry (Living Waters and Villa Milagro Ministry). To date, we have provided pure potable water to an estimated 150,000 people in northern Peru with over 300 wells. Where these wells have been constructed the people no longer have to get their drinking and cooking water from the same contaminated streams or pools that are used to wash clothes, bathe their bodies and where the animals drink and void.
Each location provides the opportunity to share the beautiful Gospel story of the woman at the well and her personal encounter with JESUS, the Living Water, who produces eternal fruit. (John 4:14)
The most recent water well drilling was completed in a small, barren village called Puente Piedra, off the Peruvian northern coast not far from Chiclayo. World Hunger Texas Baptist provided the funds to have this well drilled in this impoverished area. Puente Piedra has never had any pure potable water. Prior to the well, their source of water came the canal water and river, both heavily contaminated.
The President of the water committee, Mr. Alberto Duque, stated, “This is a blessing beyond measure to have a pure water well for the community. We are so very thankful to the Baptist people who made this possible.”
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