“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”
~Colossians 3:23-24
The last couple of days for our family have been so EXCITING! Words cannot fully describe ALL the love that we feel from our friends from home. Having the North Carolina Volunteer team here with us this week has been an incredible blessing. Our kids love seeing loved ones and spending time with them as they minister here in the Cajamarca area. We were blessed to start our week out with many wonderful donations and gifts from very special people back in NC that we dearly love and appreciate. We thank God for all that they do for our family as we continue to serve here in Peru. It always feels like Christmas as the kids wait for the bags to arrive full of goodies and surprises packaged with love from their Nana and Popel (Lou Ann & Gary Dyson). All the many tiring hours of hard work and preparation that you both put into getting each bag packaged and ready will never be forgotten! We love you both so much and would not be where we are today if it were not for all the LOVE you have always shown us!
We would like to take this time to THANK so many special people who continue to encourage and love us each step of the way on this faith journey! We LOVE you all and thank God for putting you in our lives. Thank you for your faithful love and support! May God continue to bless and guide your lives as you sacrificially give up your time, money, and resources in supporting missionaries on the field. Thank you for helping us share the Gospel and for all the prayers that you have lifted up for the many men, women, and children who do not know JESUS CHRIST.
Mom & Dad (Lou Ann & Gary Dyson)...Thank you for EVERYTHING and for all the supplies you sent us!
Thank you Cynthia Rovira and Co-ed III Sunday School Class (Beulah Baptist Church) for donating funds to help us purchase 150 new Bibles!
Thank you AWANA Cubbies at Beulah Baptist Church for all the special cards!
Thank you Mom-Mom (Sue Heath) for all the work you put in to helping us get important documents to help us get our VISAs and for sending many of the kids items down that they missed from HOME!
Thank you Melony & Rickey Brown and “Aunt” Casie Dyson for all the awesome TOYS for the kids! We are having a hard time pulling our kids away from their new Legos, Barbie Dolls, and Skateboards!
Thank you Bob & Sharon Karriker for helping with getting the much needed bicycle parts to us!
Thank you Larry & Charlot McCoy for all the ministry items and special books you sent the kids!
Thank you Linda Anderson for my favorite “pecans”, the hand puppet that we are going to use for ministry, paint for crafts, and the BEAUTIFUL skirt you made for Autumn!
Thank you Dawn Kimberlin for the books and the sweet smelling candle...it smells like the kids favorite Cinnamon Rolls!
Thank you Aunt Casie also for sending the much needed medical supplies...and for the bottles of OFF to help us fight the battle with the mosquitos.
Thank you Aunt Cheryl Dellinger for all the BAKING supplies and for the many hours helping Mama get the bags ready for shipping! I did not want to be the one to have to mention this...but I think you now have some tough competition in cooking and making cakes...the days of being asked to only bring DRINKS and CUPS to all the family gatherings may very well be over!
Thank you Aunt Crystal Weddington for all the clothes you sent for Autumn...she took a growth spurt that we were not expecting!
Thank you Kurt Dyson for the financial support you gave at the Dyson reunion! It was great seeing you on SKYPE!
Thank you Mark Summers for all the help you gave my parents for the bags and for the support you continue to bless our ministry with!
Thank you Don & Linda Krueger for the projector you purchased. We are so excited about being able to use this to minister to children and adults to teach them about JESUS CHRIST! Sean was like a kid with a new toy, un-packaging it quickly and getting all excited to see how it works!
Thank you Terry & Cherilyn Davis for all the soccer supplies that you are gathering and helping to get to us!
Thank you for Rick Dyson’s NC Volunteer Team for all the food, Kool-aids, candies, and supplies you have given us to help us minister to youth and children AND for coming all this way to show God’s love to others. Thank you for all you are doing this week and for building us much needed furniture for our home...the kids cannot wait to sleep in their new bunk beds! WE LOVE YOU ALL!
Thank you Bill Gregg and your church family (Shoup’s Grove Baptist Church in Icard, NC) for helping us financially get many supplies and luggage bags to Peru. Thank you for the financial gift your church family collected to help support us...we APPRECIATE you all so much! The kids are going to LOVE the uniforms that you helped get donated for the soccer players...what an incredible SURPRISE! Bill, the kids are really enjoying spending time with Ben Huffman...thank you for bringing him to serve the Lord along side you!
Thank you Willis Drew for bringing a financial gift from Mt. Vernon Baptist Church in Boone, North Carolina. Jim Shoemake...we miss you dearly and we hope to see you soon here in Peru. It is not the same without you and Rick picking on each other! Please tell your class how much their gift means to us! Please keep praying for God to lead! Thank you Kay Drew for the Skittles and CHOCOLATE!
Autumn loving on Dale Morrison for bringing her peanut butter and gravy mix! |
Thank you Glenda Huffman for all the hard work you put into capturing our mission journey as a team last year! |
Thank you Nana for all the candy...the dentist is not going to be happy, but the kids sure are LOVING it! |
We miss our AWANA friends...we love all of our cards made by those precious little cubbies! |
Sailor excited about his new Legos! |
Autumn has hardly put her new Barbies down...thanks Aunt Casie and Melony for sending the kids new toys! |
First time in months...Lake enjoys his Croissants he used to get back in NC! |
Sweet surprise! |
Lets just say we could not get our kids to eat anything healthy for the past couple of days! |
Mother's Day Special Service at Monte Sion Church! |
So thankful to have the NC team sitting with us...as we looked around we realized this team helped build this church many years ago and put all the hard work into this beautiful building! |
Loving my little buddy...he let me cut his hair for the first time! He wanted a "River" hairstyle! |
Preparing for Vacation Bible School...planning for many crafts to be made! |
Hoping each child will receive a wooden CROSS with a handwritten verse to take home! |
Thank you Uncle Rick and team for all the help in getting us furniture! |
Making the kids bunk beds! |
Special SURPRISE...Rick made us serving trays to use for the Youth Events and for VBS! |
Thank you Lord for bringing 25 ladies to the Women's Bible Study at Villa Milagro! Thank you Emily for being an awesome translator! |
Sharing the love of Christ as we walked through Romans 12 to study God's Word on being a LIVING SACRIFICE! |
Each lady made a beautiful bracelet and shared a time of fellowship together! |
Many smiles as each person worked hard to design their new bracelet! |
Gospel tracts were given out to each lady as we discussed the plan of SALVATION! |
What an honor to help the NC Team serve each guest hot tea and dessert! |
Kay holding a precious little girl so her mom could enjoy fellowship with friends! |
Ben~ you have been such a blessing to us this week...you have such a huge heart for serving the LORD! |
Thanks to all the men who have put in so many hours already this week to help our family and to build new desk and chairs for the students at Monte Sion School! |
Putting Autumn to work sanding the new beds! |
Everyone working hard to get the snacks done late a night for VBS the next day! |
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