This year Easter took on a whole new meaning for us. For so many years, we have spent the few weeks before Easter preparing for the Easter Bunny and getting our special Easter dresses and attire for Sunday morning. When we asked if the Easter bunny visits Peru...we received looks of "craziness" as we tried to explain the American Easter traditions and holiday. After four days of celebrating with other brothers and sisters and Christ for their Domingo Santa- Pascua (Easter), we realized how blessed we were to be here miles and miles from home with no Hallmark cards, no Easter bunny visits, or our usual focus on finding that special dress for church.
For four days, we had an opportunity to visit different church services and witness believers solely focused on JESUS CHRIST and how he paid the penalty for all by dying on the cross. Tears streamed down many faces as they worshipped and gave thanks to their RISEN KING. The Jesus Film was played and many who have never stepped foot into a church, attended the special services with their families. For many, no sparkling white dresses or new black shoes...just fasting and prayer wearing clothes covered in dirt, and giving thanks for the HOPE that we all have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Lord for this blessing and for being able to experience you and the resurrection in a whole new light. Thank you Lord for all the suffering you took as you were nailed on that CROSS and the hope you have given us all as you rose again three days later after being crucified. Thank you for giving us all an opportunity to have an everlasting life in glory (Heaven) with YOU! "I am the resurrection, and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." (John 11:25)
”Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb.
Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it. His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow. The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint.
Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.”
-Matthew 28:1-6
Sharing our testimony with the help of a translator at Monte Sion Church! |
The JESUS FILM was played for many prior to the beginning of the worship service! |
Preparing on Good Friday for a special Youth Fellowship Night...making all the youth cookies with milk (leche)! |
Janneth helping our kids add the topping to her homemade goodies! |
Playing with the parachute (given to us by Dr. Walker's family) and spending time with the younger children! |
Making each youth a bracelet symbolizing the blood that CHRIST shed for us all!
Black: stands for the sin in our lives
Red: represents the blood of CHRIST
White: cleansing...our sins have become white as snow through CHRIST
Green: symbolizes new life, eternal life, and growing in CHRIST
Yellow: reminds us of the light JESUS brought into the world
...and Heaven's bright city which is waiting for God's children at the end of their days! |
Lots of smiles as they each made their own one to wear on their wrist. |
Eating lots and lots of cookies and milk...kept begging for more! |
Visiting Celso's church in the mountains...as we gathered in this small room the temperature continued to drop as many covered with blankets due to the cold! |
Singing songs of praise...tears of JOY! |
Watching the JESUS FILM and remembering how CHRIST paid it ALL! |
River playing special music during the service as we were able to share our testimony! |
Thanks to Aunt Casie for sending down an Easter egg dying kit...the kids enjoyed some traditions from home! |
Visiting the small Bible Study in San Francisco on Saturday...spending time with many, many children! |
Beautiful Children! |
Setting up the room for the children to watch Soul Surfer film, to witness Bethany Hamilton's Christian faith, as she recovered her surfing career after a terrible shark attack that took her arm off. |
The joy of seeing children intensely watching a film through the projector provided by friends of Janneth! |
Janneth sharing God's Word and message of SALVATION! |
Soul Surfer received a thumbs up! |
Peruvian version of the Easter Bunny...the kids told us that they knew this was from us since they were told
NO BUNNIES in PERU! We found one store in Cajamarca that sells cereals like we had back in America with Hershey Chocolate Candies...the kids were fighting over which box to open first! |
Early Sunday morning at 5:30am...walking to church for the SONRISE service! |
Ivan singing a special song...Ivan is the young man helping Sean translate for the Soccer/Bible Ministry at Monte Sion School! |
After the SONRISE service, the church members gathered around to share breakfast together...no fancy fellowship hall or special decorations! |
Sean and Ivan enjoying the meal! |
Easter Fellowship Breakfast with the church members..."Sopa de Gallina" served with a special spicy meat (hen), boiled egg, and noodles! |
After the SONRISE service, we visited the church service at Iglesia Bautista Calvario in the Banos del Inca...there we met three new American Missionary families from the States all serving here in the Cajamarca, Peru area! What a blessing to have new friends in CHRIST! The other families have children for our kids to play with...and lots of little new girl friends for Autumn! Autumn was so excited about being able to speak English with her new friends! |
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