Special thanks to Dr. Walker's family and friends for helping us prepare our home for the first Friday Night Youth Fellowship Event. During the day we were able to get the soccer field put up with the new nets that arrived from the States and also all the poles set for the volley ball field. After a trip to the market to buy some of the needed items for Friday's event (and Linda, Dr. Walker's wife, getting hit in the head by two dead pigs as a local man was carrying them to the meat market), we all made it back and had an opportunity to walk through near by neighborhoods to pass out flyers and invite youth to come play games with other youth and to study God's Word! Pray that this event will be the first of many on Friday nights to reach young adults and allow them to play in a safe area with neighboring friends. Working along side the youth at Monte Sion Church, we are praying that this will open doors for outreach and evangelism as many of the youth from the church have an opportunity to connect and meet new friends and encourage others to join them in church. We really appreciate your family, Dr. Walker, and for giving your time to come to Peru to help us reach others for Christ.
"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
- Ephesians 2:8-10
Setting up the goals |
Working hard with limited tools...and puppies in the way! |
Finally able to make the pole work with the help of the Villa Milagro Wood Shop! |
Linda and Karen attaching the Volley Ball Net! |
A Whole Family Event! |
Working together to tie the nets! |
Camille and Linda pumping up balls and making sure they are all accounted for! |
Preparing for the neighborhood walk...inviting young adults to attend the Youth Fellowship Night! |
River and Lake excited to lead the way and enjoying their time with Jonathan, Camille, and Kaitlyn! |
Meeting some of the neighbors! |
Encouraging them to come and play and to join us for the Bible Study! |
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